Change your mind

heidi gremlich hypnotherapy

Clients constantly tell me, “That wasn’t what I expected.” Once you realize what hypnosis is not, it’s easier to see how beneficial hypnotherapy will be for you.

Hypnotherapy is not mind control, being told what to do or brainwashing. I can’t make you rob a bank, fall in love or cluck like a chicken unless those are things you want to do anyway.

So what is hypnosis exactly?

Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state of hyper-suggestibility in which suggestions more easily bypass the conscious mind and go directly to the subconscious. Traditional talk therapy can be beneficial but it doesn’t generally get to the root of the problem. When you and I align your conscious and subconscious minds through hypnosis, we’re able to work together to figure out what deep-seated beliefs are negatively affecting your behaviors, moods and decisions. Again, working together, we challenge and change those beliefs to the point you can now move forward without hesitation, inhibition, fear or procrastination.

Pondering and meditation are synonyms for hypnosis. Think of hypnotherapy as your own personal problem solving session. In fact, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. It’s not something I do to you, it’s something you do to and for yourself. My role as hypnotherapist is to guide and facilitate your own decision making process. Your hypnotherapy sessions will be as successful as you allow them to be.

what hypnotherapy is....and isn't