Change your mind

heidi gremlich hypnotherapy

what it's like.....

before your first session:

  1. Be sure I've received your medical referral, if needed
  2. Think about what negative thought, emotion or habit you'd most like to be free of

at your first appointment:

  1. You'll fill out client forms
  2. We'll chat so I can get to know you and what you're looking for
  3. I'll give you a thorough explanation of the hypnotherapy process
  4. You'll ask any final questions, then decide how we'll proceed
  5. You'll get comfortable and we do your session. You'll remain completely aware the whole time
  6. We'll discuss your session and make plans for future sessions

after your session:

You'll possibly feel slightly more emotional or introspective for a few days as you process and move forward with the new and different thoughts you've accepted.

Most issues can be resolved in 1 to 4 sessions. Of course, individuals and situations vary. It's my goal to teach you how to help yourself in the future.